2007. 10. 19, péntek keltezéssel 12.07-kor tedd ezt írta:
> At 8:19 PM -0400 10/18/07, TG wrote:
> >Describe the process a little more.
> Ok, here's what I want to do.
> I want to prohibit an image from being shown to anyone who is not 
> permitted (i.e., logged in).
> The way I want to do this is to:
> 1. Set the image permissions to 0640. That way no one can get to the image.
> 2. Then my application (part 1) will show the images to whomever is 
> approved by changing the permission and then loading the image. Of 
> course, the image can be taken at that point, but only by the person 
> who was approved.
> 3. After the application (part 1) runs, I want another application 
> (part 2) to come along and change the permissions of the image back 
> to 0640.
> Now, I have no problems with anything other than getting part 2 to 
> run after part 1 runs. So, that's the problem.
> As to any server questions, I would like the answer to be generic or 
> a way to determine which server type it is and make adjustments 
> accordingly.

why not put the image outside of the webroot? I don't think anyone can
access it there, if not using your imageserving php which authenticates
the user.

Zoltán Németh

> Cheers
> tedd
> -- 
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