At 4:59 PM -0400 10/19/07, Robert Cummings wrote:
On Fri, 2007-10-19 at 13:31 -0700, Instruct ICC wrote:
 > I want to prohibit an image from being shown to anyone who is not
 > permitted (i.e., logged in).
 > The way I want to do this is to:
 > 1. Set [file] permissions...

 What if 2 or more users access the application at the same time?

 Set the permissions so only the PHP application can access it.
Have the PHP application decide if this present user running this instance should see the image.
 If approved, display image.

One idea that has always been REALLY popular around here... stuff your
image in a database. *MUHAWHAWHAWHAWHAW* *Ducks from the flying rocks*.



That's really not a bad idea, but in this experiment I'm using images as a stand-in for larger files (CD's, Videos, etc).

Side note to everyone else (Rob knows this) Storing images in a dB has some advantages, but the concept has been beat to death on this list and no need to repeat it -- everything that could be said pro/con has been said -- just review the archives.




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