On 23/01/2008, Jochem Maas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I can read, I saw 2 functions the first time. each function cleans *and* 
> escapes.
> cleaning is filtering of input.
> escaping is preparing for output.
> 2 concepts.

I see your point.

> if the input needs to be stripped of html then it needs that regardless
> of the output vector. again removing or not-accepting input if it contains
> '--' is a question of filtering/validation ... besides which '--' is quite
> acceptable for data stored in a text field but not for a numeric one.

I'm not accepting "--" at all until someone can show me a real world
case where one would use it, without the intention of SQL injection.
How can it be escaped, anyway?

> filter each piece of data
> validate each piece of data
> escape each peice of data for each context in which it will be output.

I see that you have more experience than I!

> imho your functions are conceptually wrong and not very robust either -
> don't take it as a personal attack - I'm very sure if we sat down with *some*
> of my code the same critism could be made to more or lesser extent :-) ...
> "getting better all the time" as they sang once ;-)

I never thought that was a personal attack, not for a second. Rather,
I very much appreciate the time you take to explain to me my errors.
And I intend to learn from them. For the time being, I'll leave the
code as it is. However, for future projects, I will make a point of
separating the different functions. Thanks.

Dotan Cohen


A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?

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