On Wed, January 23, 2008 3:30 pm, Chris wrote:
>> Right now I still use mysql_escape_string and it seems to work fine,
>> but it makes me nervous as everything else I use is mysqli and I
>> know
>> it is not 100% compatible (just haven't had anything break it yet) -
>> but I hate having to have a connection handle open just to escape
>> things.
> If you need to escape something you're going to do a query aren't you?
> Or am I missing something here?

One Example:
Perhaps you have a zillion chunks of data which you wish to cram into
a text file for insertion on a different box at a later time, as
quickly as possible, without the encoding happening on that box, for
whatever reason...

Not, perhaps, the most common scenario, and not, perhaps, the best way
to solve whatever led there, but it's not a totally unreasonable

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