Nathan Nobbe wrote:
Actually, I don't think so. I believe constructors return void, while
the 'new' keyword returns a copy of the object.

im pretty sure constructors return an object instance:
php > class Test { function __construct() {} }
php > var_dump(new Test());
object(Test)#1 (0) {

AFAIK, constructor simply constructs the object,
and *new* is the one that binds the reference to the variable
on the lhs.

So, constructors return nothing.

but anyway, how could you even test that __construct() returned void
and the new keyword returned a copy of the object?  new essentially
invokes __construct() and passes along its return value, near as i can tell.

if you dont want to write a function in the global namespace, as suggested
in the article, Eric posted, just add a simple factory method in your class,
class Test {
    public static function getInstance() {
        return new Test();

    public function doSomething() {
        echo __METHOD__ . PHP_EOL;


Anup Shukla

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