Simon Kimber pressed the little lettered thingies in this order...

> Hi all,
> I have three tables in my (mysql) database:
> videos - ID, title, description, etc..
> links - ID, videoID, actorID
> actors - ID, name, dateofbirth, gender, etc...

You need to be able to tie at least one field from each table to one other 
field in another table, and then you can have a query like:

SELECT videos.*, links.*, actors.*
FROM videos, links, actors
WHERE videos.VideoID = '$VideoID' AND
links.VideoID = videos.VideoID
actors.ActorID = links.ActorID

You should consider picking up the book called "MySQL." It covers this 
sort of thing rather well.

Good luck...

Christopher Ostmo
Meeting cutting edge dynamic
web site needs

For a good time,

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