On Thu, 2008-06-19 at 17:31 +0300, Sancar Saran wrote:
> Hi tedd
> My final solution was.
> class conf {
>       public static $vals  = array(); // config array
> ...
> }
> conf::$vals['mysql_host'] = 'localhost';
> conf::$vals['mysql_user'] = "[EMAIL PROTECTED]";
> you can access anywhere of your script and you won't need to pollute $GLOBALS.

Technically, you've polluted global class namespace with a class called
"conf". I wonder how many others have made a class called conf? Good
thing namespaces are coming along eventually :)

Admittedly though, the class implementation is more robust since it
could pull it's config information from anywhere. However, it's also
less efficient.

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