On Thu, 2008-06-19 at 18:37 +0300, Sancar Saran wrote:
> Well, after reaching this
> $GLOBALS['live']['current']['c']['modules']['traffics']['url'] = 'blah';
> I change my mind to use public static variables. 
> using conf::$vars (or someting like that) was more pratic than using $GLOBALS 
> directly. You can set config each of your classes.

So are you saying you instead do:

    conf::$vars['current']['c']['modules']['traffics']['url'] = 'blah';


    conf::$vars_current_c_modules_traffics_url = 'blah';

I fail to see how conf::x overcomes your problem. Also, why would you
write out the entire path like that in a configuration? Why not have the
entire configuration contained in one expression?

$GLOBALS['live'] = array
    'current' => array
        'c' => array
            'modules' => array
                'traffics' => array
                    'url' = 'blah',

Then adding an additional entry becomes trivial... for instance adding:

    conf::$vars['current']['c']['modules']['traffics']['pass'] =

Is trivial:

$GLOBALS['live'] = array
    'current' => array
        'c' => array
            'modules' => array
                'traffics' => array
                    'url'  => 'blah',
                    'pass' => 'kret',

For instance... here's how I configure database connections:

$GLOBALS['interJinn']['databases'] = array
    'namedDatabase' => array
        'type'      => 'mysql',
        'host'      => 'interjinn.com',
        'user'      => 'user',
        'password'  => 'password',
        'db'        => 'relevant_database',
    'otherNamedDatabase' => array
        'type'      => 'mysql',
        'host'      => 'localhost',
        'socket'    => '/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock',
        'user'      => 'luser',
        'password'  => 'notSoSekret',
        'db'        => 'other_database',
    'default'      => 'namedDatabase',

Then in my code I can request a connection by name, or let it fall back
to the default, or if necessary request a connection with explicit
connection details. I never work with connection information beyond the
configuration. It's very convenient to be able to alias a database and
not worry about the specifics.

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