With what linux BS have you tested?
No, it isn't the apaches job/problem.
I do nothing with the file. Looking for $_FILES Varables and then 

But i said it before, the problem is not at this point.
If i upload the file and watch memory with vmstat, free is going 0, cache is 
going to top and if free is 0 => temp file was deleted and script witout an 
error comes back. At the crash point, the File is not complete  uploaded, so 
my $_FILES  have no entry about the file specs.

Im hanging some days with many tests on differnet machines (alls suse) on 
this Problem and can't solve it :-(

"Per Jessen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im Newsbeitrag 
Tom wrote:

> hmm, memory buying is okay, not the final solution. I think php design
> fault on this function.  It's not comprehensible why php use such a
> lot main memory for an upload.

Well, PHP doesn't - the upload is apaches job. Once the file is
uploaded, PHP is invoked to process it.  You do your
move_uploaded_file() etc.  What do you do to the uploaded file?

/Per Jessen, Zürich

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