I said AFAIK.  I was under the impression the DirectoryIndex did a
redirect.  I just tested it and it does not, so you are correct Jochem. 
He has everything he needs.  He'll need the document root and
$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] to do this.

Thank you,
Micah Gersten
onShore Networks
Internal Developer

Jochem Maas wrote:
> Micah Gersten schreef:
>> What is the point of figuring that out?  If we knew that, we might be
>> able to help you with a solution.   As it stands what you want is not
>> possible AFAIK.
> you know wrong. he has all the info needed.
> 1. the document root of the site (/var/www/example.com)
> 2. the requested URL             (http://www.example.com/foo/bar)
> extract the path from the URL and stick into to the document root,
> problem sorted. No?
> do this:
> var_dump($_SERVER, $_REQUEST);
> read the output it contains, it should have everything you
> need although you will have to do some munging.
> for more esoteric setups you will have to test the code
> for completeness and possible expand it's capability to
> be able to tackle those situations.
> take it a step at a time.
> me thinks I made it sound more complicated than it is for
> most scenarios ... reading your last post it seems the
> answer is (for now) quite straight forward.
>> Thank you,
>> Micah Gersten
>> onShore Networks
>> Internal Developer
>> http://www.onshore.com
>> Ólafur Waage wrote:
>>> I am within a certain directory of the server via the browser.
>>> Example:
>>> http://www.example.com/foo/bar
>>> would be
>>> /var/www/example.com/foo/bar
>>> And Apache's DirectoryIndex feature is opening a index.php file that
>>> is located at
>>> /var/www/example.com/test/index.php
>>> And from that file i need to figure out the full local path of
>>> /foo/bar (which would be /var/www/example.com/foo/bar ) or any other
>>> directory i browse too.
>>> Ólafur Waage

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