At 9:32 PM +0100 8/29/08, Stut wrote:
That's ultimate accessibility, assuming it supports all types of telephone, but it's also a major expense needing 24/7 coverage. Not something my company of 5 people could hope to support on a free-to-use site.



I hesitated before writing this because I don't want to get into another debate with you, but accessibility means that all people (disabled or not) can access the data they want in a similar fashion.

Accessibility does NOT mean "If you have a problem with our web site, please call"

This is no different than any other accessibility issue. People in wheelchairs should not have to call someone to get them over an unaccessible curb or to be able to make their way to a product or service, or anything else that could be made accessible to them by some accommodating manner.

Do you not agree?



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