At 11:39 PM +0200 8/29/08, Jochem Maas wrote:
tedd schreef:
Do you not agree?

yes and no. in the wild a lion with hip atrophy will be forced to
crawl away and die ... no more eating gazelles for him

I hope I don't get finger atrophy.

my point being we have a long long long way to go before we can say
much positive about accessibility for everyone.

Not that you said otherwise, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't do what we can when we can. And, we CAN do more currently.

Of course, all change take time and money to implement. But once the need and solutions are exposed, the general tendency of people is to help. The more known, the more help. These discussions are part of that process -- we all walk away better informed and better equipped to deal with the problems.

I think both tedd and Stut make good points, I guess we'll all be
hacking away at such issues for a long time to come.

That's the nature of the beast (no not Stut!), but rather the evolution of our species in all venues. We've been hacking away on things for a long time -- did I ever tell you about how we used to program with rocks? :-)

in the mean time, here's wishing more clean water and internet access
for everyone (and less bombs).

Amend to that.

It's one thing to have the greatest military force that's ever existed, but it's another to use that for every solution. Like the engineer with only a hammer, not everything is a nail -- we need to look deeper into our toolbox to solve problems.

Don't get me started about political issues.  :-)




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