On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 1:25 PM, Stan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If I had a page written in HTML and I had a named anchor on that page
>    <a name=myAnchor></a>
> I could position the user at the anchor by
>    http://myPage.com/myHTML.htm#myAnchor
> but I can't seem to make this work if the page is generated
>    http://mypage.com/myPHP.php#myAnchor
> I've tried both FireFox 3.0.4 and IE 6 SP1.  Maybe I'm naive to even expect
> this to work.  Should it work?

    Absolutely.  It's a browser standard, not a language-specific
thing.  PHP outputs HTML, among other things (but for now, we'll stick
to HTML since it's what you're using).

    Regardless of the extension, the browser has no idea in what
language the page was written.  Are you passing a query string to the
page as well?  Are you sure the anchor is in the source as it should

    It would be easier for us to help you debug if you post a real
link.  If you don't want it to be public, you can feel free to send it
to me off-list.

</Daniel P. Brown>
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