I think there is a lot to be gained from using a framework. I have an extremely large web app in asp ( over 1500 pages ) and maintenance is a frigging nightmare as it's so imtertwined.

Using the code ignitor framework reduces that dramatically and I now have 5 rules based classes that control the majority of the app with the rest of the code being mainly basic crud and validation.

The code is much cleaner, way simpler to maintain and the mvc pattern makes changes and additions a breeze.

Sorry for top posting, ipod seems to prefer that for it's mail setup

My 2 cents, though it's worth looking at other frameworks like qcodo, cake, or send to pick the flavor that fits you best


Sent from my iPod

On Dec 27, 2008, at 7:57 PM, Murray <planetthought...@gmail.com> wrote:

I'm interested in this topic as well. I'm starting out on a reasonably large web application, and I'm wondering at the best approach in PHP, particularly since it's been some years since I worked with PHP on a daily basis (the
last 5 years have been purely C#).

There's some dev community bias against using frameworks, isn't there? On one hand I'd love to take an approach that would make my end goal easier (thanks for pointing out Code Igniter, I'll look into it further), but on the other hand I'd rather avoid choices that 'tainted' (perhaps not the right word, but the best I could think of) the overall acceptance of the
application once it's ready for release.

So, currently I'm wondering about things like, 'Do I make an app that is a
distinct page-per-function, or do I make an app that uses a monolithic
index.php (similar to Wordpress?) and dynamically presents
*everything*based on querystring values.'

M is for Murray

On Sun, Dec 28, 2008 at 10:05 AM, Nathan Nobbe <quickshif...@gmail.com>wrote:


How do you structure your web applications? I am thinking in terms of
separating presentation  and logic. How is that done in PHP?

mvc is pretty popular, but php is so flexible you often don't need it for
smaller applications.

For example, if you take a page-controller approach, a php app is dead
simple.  You have a seperate entery point for evrything; login.php,
register.php, etc could be considered controllers, then all your common logic comes in via some includes, hopefully files outside the webroot. then you have some template directory w/ files that are a mixture of php and html(for example). your 'controller' files include the library code, hit
the db (if necc.) and then stuff data into the templates for output.

if you want to see an exmple if a more traditional mvc there are scads of open source frameworks out there which use a front controller approach. Code igniter is really straight forward, you can probly learn quickly from it.

And how many architecture patterns are there?

please do try to avoid pandoras box on the list ;) It can result in 100+ post threads, heh. that being said patterns are pretty general things, that's why they're called patterns. most of the time various languages will result in slightly different concrete realizations of a pattern, but you'll find most of them rather simple to realize in php. One that really isn't well suited to phps build-up / tear-down paradigm is the state pattern.
much easier in java or cpp, imo.


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