On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 12:01 AM, Carlos Medina <i...@simply-networks.de>wrote:

> Manuel Lemos schrieb:
>> Hello,
>> on 12/27/2008 09:40 PM Michael C. Yates said the following:
>>> How do you structure your web applications? I am thinking in terms of
>>> separating presentation  and logic. How is that done in PHP? And how
>>> many architecture patterns are there?
>> I use the Use Case Mapping as methodology to implement Web applications
>> in PHP since 1999 .
>> It does not mean that this is necessarily the best Web development
>> methodology, nor that you could not use another methodology that you may
>> prefer.
>> It is a methodology that I have been using for developing PHP Web
>> applications with very satisfactory productivity results. I have been
>> using it since 1999, when Object Oriented Programming support was added
>> to PHP 3. Over time, it has been refined to address better the real
>> world needs of sites of growing complexity.
>> This methodology has been used extensively to develop busy sites like
>> the PHPClasses repository. Therefore, it has proven to be suitable to
>> develop enterprise grade Web applications. It does not impose
>> excessively complex development procedures. So, it is also suitable for
>> developing small Web applications.
>> You may want to read this document that explains what are use cases in
>> the scope of a well structured project and the methodology that
>> describes how map use cases to PHP code for Web applications.
>> http://www.meta-language.net/metastorage-example.html
> Hi all,
> I can not understand what is the Target of this question like "Architecture
> Patterns in PHP". This is for me like the question, "what is your favorite
> IDE". If i need to know about design Patterns in PHP, then i can buy a book
> about it or i search the Internet for my information.

i find this list to me a most excellent supplement to these other resources,
in fact in many ways its often times better.

this topic is no less relevant than most ive seen since ive joined the list,
which most likely is the reason for the several long, well thought



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