
on 12/30/2008 01:13 AM Sancar Saran said the following:
>> How do you structure your web applications? I am thinking in terms of
>> separating presentation  and logic. How is that done in PHP? And how
>> many architecture patterns are there?
> Well,
> I use, way of Rasmus (I give that name)
> and please read this why
> http://talks.php.net/show/drupal08/0

After you watch that presentation, the conclusion that you reach is if
you want to develop a site that only shows a page saying "Hello world!"
you should not use an MVC framework because it adds to much performance
overhead! ;-)

Seriously, real world projects are way much more complex than simple
"Hello world!" pages.

Personally I do no use MVC frameworks (nor I have developed one) because
they just add unnecessary complexity.

However, separating concerns (processing, presentation, model data
storage, distributed services, etc...) is a good thing to help keeping
the project organization (and your mental sanity) as you project grows.

You can separate concerns without using MVC, especial front controllers
that go through many hops to sort which code to execute.


Manuel Lemos

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