Thanks for your help. The server document root is: /etc/httpd/htdocs.
Perhaps I need to point to this document in root in php.ini file?

Anyway, I cannot try that now as I have finally achieved networking linux
box to windows host that acts as our internet server. Now when I try to
connect to: http://localhost I get this error


Unable to connect to remote host"

I tried stopping the network, but that only caused Netscape to choke. Hmm.



-----Original Message-----
From: Justin French [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2001 12:36 AM
Cc: php
Subject: Re: [PHP] newbie has include path error


If you can "surf" local host for standard HTML pages and other php pages
(without includes in them) eg:


Then the problem isn't the server really, it seems to me that the server
document root for your files should be something like:

/usr/local/apache/ not /etc/httpd/php/prepend.php

Can you ftp into your server?  What's the path to your document root for
all your html / php files?  I doubt it's /etc/httpd/php/file.html, if it
isn't this, then the problem is somewhere in your php cnfig to indicate
where the document root is.

Eh, it's kidna hard to explain...  maybe someone else can explain it
better :)

Justin French
Creative Director

Daniel Goldin wrote:

> I had php/apache/mysql working perfectly for awhile on my redaht 7.1 box.
> Compiled them all from source and was very proud, as I am at best an
> programmer. In other words, I love this stuff, but it doen't come
> Recently I've been fiddling with networking (to little avail), installed a
> new ethernet card and did some other stuff... Anyway, now when I go into
> http://localhost (apache is running), I get this error:
>         Warning: Failed opening '/etc/httpd/php/prepend.php' for
>         inclusion (include_path=") in unknown in line 0.
> I've tried putting in this include path in my php.ini file to no effect.
> Please help. I have several projects I'm working on that require php and I
> have no way of working on them on my development box.
> Any help gratefully appreciated. Also, I apologize for being too chatty.

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