On 05/03/2010 07:39 AM, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
Slightly OT, but I can't think of a better forum to ask this in.  I'm sure a
lot of us here have at some point or another built a system that requires
registration to gain access.  What I'm trying to figure is how to set
different levels of access.

We're building a large site for a school district, to be used by both
students and parents.  When a student logs in, they gain some access to the
site, and when a parent logs in, they gain access to other sections on the
site.  That's all fine and dandy, it's the actual registration process that
I'm having a hard time with.

How to determine if a registration is a student or a parent.  Do I simply
give them a check box (or other method) to pick from (student or parent) and
hope they're being honest?  Has anyone here have to deal with that in the
past, and would you be willing to give me some ideas of what you did?

Its a very bad idea to allow public registration for parents, instead the school IT department should give accounts to students and parents.

Nilesh Govindarajan
Site & Server Administrator
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