On 20 Aug 2013, at 21:08, Sebastian Krebs <krebs....@gmail.com> wrote:

> 2013/8/20 Steven Staples <sstap...@mnsi.net>
>>> My recent question was simply an attempt to get documentation to support
>>> which server-side Web Language is the most popular. Both PHP and Java can
>>> be used server-side.
>>> I also realize that Java is used for native Android because I also teach
>>> Mobile Application Development (MAD -- I even coined the name). So, I am
>> up
>>> to my butt in languages (and people who think different than me) -- I'm
>>> just trying to get documentation to back up my what I think I know.
>> Well, technically any language can be used server side, it is all on how
>> you
>> set up your server, no?
> No. But since node.js I lack an example :D But of course you need the
> "link" between the language and the network.

The language and the '"link" between the language and the network' are two 
completely separate things. The "link," as you put it, is the web server. A web 
server doesn't need to do anything more than set up environment variables and 
run an executable, and even setting up the environment is technically optional. 
BASH can build web pages. I wouldn't recommend using BASH, but there's nothing 
technically preventing it.

Node.js is not the only way to run Javascript outside a browser, and other ways 
of doing so existed long before Node.js arrived. Most limitations people put on 
technology are artificial constructions rather than real constraints.

tedd: I wouldn't trust any stats you might find since, as has been pointed out, 
it's incredibly difficult to accurately measure.

I'd be careful with the word "popular" because it really depends on what you're 
measuring. If you're talking public websites then I'd agree that, anecdotally 
at least, PHP is more common than any other server-side language. If you're 
talking about public site visitors or page views it's definitely the most 
popular, but that's massively skewed by Facebook if you accept that their way 
of using PHP can still be called PHP. Enterprise usage of PHP is far lower, 
mainly due to Microsoft's dominance, but I get the feeling this is changing, 
albeit incredibly slowly.

If he means Java is the most popular as in "developers would prefer to use it" 
then I'd definitely disagree, but I wouldn't necessarily say that PHP is at the 
top of that list either.

Ultimately I'd want to know what he's trying to prove by saying that. If he's 
purely engaging in a "mine's bigger than yours" discussion I'd walk away, leave 
him to his petty games and actually accomplish something with the time instead.


Stuart Dallas
3ft9 Ltd

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