Ah ha, but am I better off becoming a PHP guru or a
jackofalltrades-notverygoodatanyofthem kind of person ;-)
Well I've never used scripting of any sort before PHP, just c++ really.
I'll stick to php i guess (for now).
- seb
-----Original Message-----
From: John Meyer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: 23 August 2001 02:13
Subject: Re: [PHP] Any point in learning ASP/JSP etc?
At 01:10 AM 8/23/01 +0100, you wrote:
>Or is PHP the be-all and end all?
>I know its strong points, but what are the WEAK points of PHP?
>- seb
PHP isn't default on Microsoft systems
You have to learn a new language for PHP: ASP is basically either VBScript
or JScript around some objects.
To answer the question in your subject line, I think that if you were
interested in programming, you should want to learn any new technology that
you could. Plus, the more languages, the more employable, I would think.
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