On Friday 31 August 2001 15:22, Manuel Lemos wrote:
> > I actually mention PHP-GTK in my sessions.  I mention it as an
> > anecdote, much like I mention some of the other interesting modules
> > and projects in PHP (e.g., PEAR).  I'm really not sure why people
> > think I'm trying to bury PHP-GTK.  Just because I don't see PHP-GTK
> > as a main course of PHP, doesn't mean I don't think it's an important
> > and useful project.
> Oh, man, do you really do that? That is worse than not mention it at
> all. You may be joking but not everybody may understand it that way.
> Doing that you ruining the credibility of those efforts that take PHP
> far out what originally it was meant for. If you are going to just make
> it a joke, you'd better not mention it at all. I think that is

Heyheyhey, cool down. Anecdote != Joke. That's important. "Anecdote" in 
this context simply means an "and by the way, there also other 
interesting uses for PHP: ..."
Actually that's just what you wanted him to say :)

> > >In this company, they have choose Microsoft stuff because they think
> > > it is the right choice for what they do. For some things, PHP could
> > > be a better choice, but it would be hard to convince who is in
> > > charge above me because PHP does not benefit of a great credibility
> > > in the market that would help me to make a good case to switch to
> > > PHP.
> >
> > In the US (and perhaps in the rest of America), that's relatively
> > true.  That's not the case in Europe or the far east.  It has a lot
> > to do with mentality and corporate culture.
> So, what? Even if it is like you say, because you have this perception
> that it is not that way in Europe and far east, you are not going to do
> anything to help people living in the Americas to make a better case
> for PHP in the corporate world?

Much can be done - we all know that. But:
(1) Most of that requires either mucho $$ or heaps|truckloads|... of 
time. Rasmus certainly has neither and the zend people already spend 
their time doing the really important thing (improving the language).
So such marketing campaigns have to come from other people.

(2) American corporate culture (hmm, rhymes with "vulture"... :) listens 
to the players with the most money. MS, Sun, Oracle, ...
So the only marketing plan that has a good chance to work is "Somehow 
make about 5 billion dollars within a year and burn half of it for glossy 
ads etc".
I certainly won't do this...

(3) http://php.net/usage.php
Marketing really isn't the most important thing to do :)

PHP's future looks bright, everyone is working hard to make it even 
brighter, and we all can dance happily around on the flowery meadows 
(except when working of course :)

Christian Reiniger
LGDC Webmaster (http://lgdc.sunsite.dk/)

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