This script worked fine for me here:

$fp = 
while(!feof($fp)) echo fgets($fp,1024);

Firewall in the way perhaps?


On Fri, 7 Sep 2001, Joseph Blythe wrote:

> Thanks all (c:
> > Why don't they make this available via XML?  Parsing HTML is painful.
> Was my exact question to them (c:
> > That just shows a chart.  How are you supposed to parse anything out of
> > that?
> Hehe I provided the wrong url should something like:
> Results.jsp?searchBy=asxCode&allinfo=on&asxCode=asx&companyName=&principalAc
> tivity=&industryGroup=0
> I tried it as suggested heres the output:
> Warning: php_hostconnect: connect failed in /home/asx/public_html/index.php
> on line 9
> Warning:
> fopen("
> oSearchResults.jsp?searchBy=asxCode&allinfo=on&asxCode=asx&companyName=&prin
> cipalActivity=&industryGroup=0","r") - Bad file descriptor in
> /home/asx/public_html/index.php on line 9
> Trust them to make it as hard as possible using Java Slowdown Pages :-))
> Will keep trying.
> Regards,
> Joseph

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