Basically, you don't "log on to mysql" through the internet browser.  
You are using the internet browser only to request a file that is on a 
web server.  The web server is handing the request to PHP, and PHP is 
accessing the MySQL database.  PHP is accessing MySQL as whatever host 
and user has been specified in mysql_connect().

The browser has no direct connection to MySQL, so you are correct -- 
"those privilege tables are not helping to check on the privileges if 
the client is from browser".

>> I have a question regarding the client IP address between PHP and 
>> MySql.
> The
>> built-in mysql database have different privilege tables. When I log on 
>> to
>> mysql through the internet browser, does mysql know where I am 
>> connecting
>> from if I use mysq_connect(.....) function? From what I see, this 
>> function
>> doesn't tell where I am connecting from, if this is true, those 
>> privilege
>> tables are not helping to check on the privileges if the client is from
>> browser. Does it have any other ways to tell mysql server where the 
>> client
>> is connection from besides default localhost?
>> Thank you,
>> Calvin

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