take a look at my session.egn file.



  Chris Lee

"Anthony" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> I need some help with sessions.  I read the sections in the manual and
> searched for tutorials, but I still can't get a straight forward example
> of how sessions work.  I need to pass variables to a page that will load
> in a new browser window.  I used session_register, but when I look in
> the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS, it doesn't exist.  I tried using start_session
> and still no luck.  Once I get the session vars registered, how do I
> access them.  I am able to pass the session id as a var, I'm going it
> like page.php?sid=$<sid_var>.  Is there a better way, do I need to do
> this at all?  I'm confused as hell and can't find a working example
> anywhere. Help!
> - Anthony

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