Yes, I thought about that. But, what should I do when the markers are absolutely NOT 
in any sequence.

=sequence would matter if it was possible that one of the markers could replace some 
text and that replacement
subsequently became the marker for a further replacement ... nightmare=recursion!

I also thought about something like
$replace[1][1] = "!one!"; //marker
$replace[1][2] = "hehee"; //replace with
$replace[1][1] = "test"; //marker
$replace[1][2] = "foobar"; //replace with
$replace[1][1] = "repl"; //marker
$replace[1][2] = "humpty-dumpty"; //replace with
$replace[1][1] = "blah"; //marker
$replace[1][2] = "boo"; //replace with

Now, when I would do a loop thingie that goes through all those, then it would be a 
pretty nice and compact

What about speed issues regarding this solution?

=check out string functions. On simple stuff they will beat RegEx for speed hands down 
- but watch out if
case-sensitivity is relevant.


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