> But at 300,000 page views a day, even if the caches only have a ttl of 1
> hour I'm still saving over %90 of the traffic from having to query the
> database.
> During our busy times I have a bottle neck with the database maxing out
> the CPU's, so If I can cut the queries the server won't be working as
> hard, plus file I/O is faster than Database I/O so the site will be
> faster even when it's not busy.

As form the discussion i understand that you have several pages with huge
views during a day. Also it seemes to me thÕ queries they produce are the
same. There is a way to avoid big traffic between php <-> mysql.

The way of doing this is to store page generated dynamically with a db query
and replace php-script with saved page. You generate content dynamically,
but for yourself only. Users get this page, but as a "static" one. The
easiest way is to do it manually - copy current script to another location,
execute it and save result html to former location. Nothing changes for

The greatest way of doing this is
    1. develope php-script for generating updated html from moved php-script
and updating index.html (e.g. ;)
    2. develope another script or program which will call the first one
periodically (once an hour, e.g.)

Valentin Petruchek (aki Zliy Pes)

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