Aside from learning by doing, there's an old adage that nothing teaches 
code like code. What about the articles at Zend? Download TWIG or PHPNuke 
or PostNuke and examine the code.

The problem with "everything", is that yours differs from mine. Example, I 
work mostly with straight-ahead data processing, and my "everything" 
revolves around SQL and processing arrays. Others work with image 
libraries, someone else might want to generate PDF's from returned data sets.

If I was going to expand my "everything" I'd probably investigate OO 
classes more comprehensively, but I have a gut feel that's not necessary 
and procedure libraries are nore than adequate. Or consider how patterns 
could be worked up in PHP.

I've not addressed the "Book" question yet -- probably something from WROX, 
If SAMS has a "PHP Unleashed" , or HDG a "PHP Bible" those should be quite 

Cheers - Miles Thompson

Now, back to VB -- sigh!!

At 12:24 PM 2/14/2002 -0500, Jackson Miller wrote:
>I am looking for advanced books on PHP.  I have read many tuts and a
>couple of books, but I am looking for a big heavy detailed book on php
>and everything about coding php.
>any suggestions are welcomed.
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