I do not know whether this is a question for this list, but if not perhaps
someone can tell me where to raise it.

I am designing a web site which has a number of  pages. One of these
provides the facility for the user to log onto a mysql database.  Other web
pages allow the user to query and update different tables in the database.

I used the mysql_pconnect function in the login page and assumed that the
connection would automatically be available to all other pages in the site
as they are invoked, but find that I have to include it in every page that
access the data base.

Is there any way of caryying the login information from one web page to the
next in global variables so that the username and password entered in the
login screen is available to all other web pages in the site or do I have to
ask the user to re-enter this information at every screen?


Peter Goggin

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