I never heard of this php function, "link()".  Sound like a good function,
I'm going to have to look it up!

"Justin French" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> on 19/07/02 1:19 AM, Cord Schneider ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> > A number of people have offered their opinion why cookies are a bad
idea. As
> > a developer new to PHP, if cookies are such a big a big no-no, how does
> > do effective session management without storing anything client-side??
> > in mind that the browser is stateless and, the user can disconnect and
> > reconnect in between fetching pages from your site.
> You pass the session around in the URL
> Something like <A HREF="page.php?SID">click here</a>, or you might build a
> wrapper function that does it for you:
> <A HREF="<?=link('page.php')?>">click here</a>.
> Yes, that's every internal (relative) URL on your whole site :)
> It becomes a trade-off between the convent but unreliable cookies, versus
> the 100% accessible, but perhaps time consuming/tricky URL method.
> As has been said on this list MANY times, just have a look at the big
> like amazon.com -- no cookies, no javascript, no reliance on client-side
> anything.  Take care of it all server-side, where you have a controlled
> environment.
> Justin French

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