This means that you do not have the PHP module loaded properly.  Do you
have a LoadModule line for PHP in your httpd.conf file?


On 15 Aug 2002, paul wrote:

> Hello Again Everyone,
> Thank you to those of you who sent me suggestions. Unfortunately none so
> far have solved the problem. I think I need to give you more
> information.
> I am running a Mandrake 8.3 linux box. Apache 1.3.23. PHP 4.2.1-8mdk.
> Installed from RPM's. PHP shows in my active list of modules on Webmin.
> I am trying to get Squirrelmail working. I have added fake directory
> aliases for it to httpd.conf so that apache thinks it's /squirrelmail.
> When I comment out the following two lines in httpd.conf that tweak mime
> extensions,
> "AddType application/x-httpd-php .php"
> "AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .php"
> the behavior no longer happens, namely, when I invoke
> /squirrelmail/index.php my browser then asks me where I would like to
> download it to. Actually, it does this when I invoke any file ending in
> .php. What I get is the following.
> "You have chosen to download a file of type: application/x-httpd-php
> from httpd://localhost/squirrelmail/
> What should Mozilla do with this file?" And a list of choices as to
> where I would like to keep it.
> Internet Exploder also offers to save the file somewhere.
> What's supposed to happen is that I get the Squirrelmail login screen.
> Has anyone seen this behavior before?
> Is there any more information needed by anyone that might be able to
> tell me what to change to make this work properly? I know it's something
> simple. But I have no idea what.
> Come to think of it, this might be an apache question.
> Either way, any help is greatly appreciated.
> Thanks very much in advance;
> Paul Kelly
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