Thomas Weber schrieb:

> I've thought about adding the text on the top, but never found a good way to
> make that (not with plain HTML, it would require a java-applet to display
> the stream).
> Scrolling is quite simple, i use this:
> <head>
>   <SCRIPT language=JavaScript>
>   <!--
>    doscroll = true;
>    function Scroller() {
>        if (doscroll != false) {
>            window.scrollBy(0,15);
>      }
>      window.setTimeout("Scroller()",15)
>    }
>    Scroller();
>    parent.atok = 'CCOFs';
>    function atok(p1) {
>    parent.atok = p1;
>    }
>   //-->
>   </SCRIPT>
>  </head>
>  <body onFocus="doscroll=false" onBlur="doscroll=true"
> onMouseOver="doscroll=false" onMouseOut="doscroll=true">
> ...
> It scrolls down whenever the mouse is outside the frame with the stream.
> Cya,
> Thomas 'Neo' Weber

Cool, the scroll script is working well.
Now, I'm working on a list that shows who's in the chat. The problem is that
people who log in don't always log out. I've thought about some time out and
automatical log out, but isn't there a way to determine who is on what page, at
least how many are on it?

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