On Wed, 6 Nov 2002, Jason Young wrote:

> So then can anyone tell me why its working so far? ;)

It doesn't work at all like you want it to.  I assume you've already put
this script up on a web server to test, so watch this:

After this line:
        $$key = $val;
Insert this line for debugging:
        echo $key . " --> " . $val . "<br>\n";

Then visit the script:


You've created something far worse than register globals.

Someone already posted a decent solution, something like this:
foreach( $get_allow as $get_key => $get_val ){
        if( isset( $_GET[$get_val] ) ){
                ${$get_val} = $_GET[$get_val];
                echo $get_val . " --> " . $_GET[$get_val] . "<br>\n";


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