Oh ho!  Good call Mr. Vogelsinger.  I would never have guessed.  So infact
the code DOES work.  My apologies Jason, I guess ya learn something new
every day.  ;-)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Ernest E Vogelsinger" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Jason Young" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 06, 2002 12:31 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Code Advice

> At 20:13 06.11.2002, Jason Young spoke out and said:
> --------------------[snip]--------------------
> >Hmm..
> >
> >So then can anyone tell me why its working so far? ;)
> >
> >I am trying out every single function in this page in hopes to catch
> >something,  but so far I don't see any breakage - I can see there are a
> >few ways to skin this cat.. the original code I posted DOES work.. I
> >still may be blind to any future breakings.. that's why I posted it.
> >Unfortunately,  I'm getting responses saying that this code won't work
> >at all - when it does.. :-/
> --------------------[snip]--------------------
> Well - it's a miracle... I just tried the code you posted, and indeed PHP
> (v.4.2.2) allows numeric identifiers - BUT ONLY as long as you're
> it indirectly.
> Example:
>         $key = 0;
>         $$key = 'some data';    // works
>         echo $$key;             // works
>         echo "Key 0: $0"        // prints "$0", not the content (wrong)
>         echo $0;                // error "unexpected T_DNUMBER"
> --
>    >O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
>    (\) ICQ #13394035
>     ^ http://www.vogelsinger.at/

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