In your php.ini file you can turn on all the errors have have them

I would suggest doing that and you should see some errors if there are

Have you verified that dates in the database via mysql command line or
gui application.

On Tue, 2002-11-12 at 21:27, Cesar Aracena wrote:
> Hi all,
> I came back from vacations and forgot some things about queries... can
> anyone tell me what is wrong with this? of all the error messages I set up
> in the script, none comes back on the page but the record is not saved...
> <?
> $db = mysql_connect("", "icaam", "********");
> if (!$db)
> {
>  die("No se pudo abrir la base de datos");
> }
> $ok = mysql_select_db("icaam");
> if(!$ok)
> {
>  die("No se pudo acceder a la base de datos");
> }
> $borndate = $bornd . $bornm . $borny;
> $phonenumber = $phone;
> $query = "INSERT INTO mararegistro (visitorid, fname, lname, borndate,
> address, city, country, phone, how) VALUES (null, 'c', 'c', 12, 'c', 'c',
> 'c', 12, 'c')";
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_errno());
> if (mysql_affected_rows() != 1)
> {
>  die("Fallo al guardar datos");
> }
> echo "Gracias por administrarnos su información.";
> ?>
> Any thiughts? Thanks in advance,
> Cesar
.: B i g D o g :.

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