$query = "INSERT INTO mararegistro (visitorid, fname, lname, borndate,
address, city, country, phone, how) VALUES (null, 'c', 'c', '12', 'c', 'c',
'c', '12', 'c')";

I think you should put quotes around all of these values 12 exept null or
change null to '' ///

----- Original Message -----
From: "Cesar Aracena" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 13, 2002 8:27 AM
Subject: [PHP] Query problem

> Hi all,
> I came back from vacations and forgot some things about queries... can
> anyone tell me what is wrong with this? of all the error messages I set up
> in the script, none comes back on the page but the record is not saved...
> <?
> $db = mysql_connect("www.icaam.com.ar", "icaam", "********");
> if (!$db)
> {
>  die("No se pudo abrir la base de datos");
> }
> $ok = mysql_select_db("icaam");
> if(!$ok)
> {
>  die("No se pudo acceder a la base de datos");
> }
> $borndate = $bornd . $bornm . $borny;
> $phonenumber = $phone;
> $query = "INSERT INTO mararegistro (visitorid, fname, lname, borndate,
> address, city, country, phone, how) VALUES (null, 'c', 'c', 12, 'c', 'c',
> 'c', 12, 'c')";
> $result = mysql_query($query) or die (mysql_errno());
> if (mysql_affected_rows() != 1)
> {
>  die("Fallo al guardar datos");
> }
> echo "Gracias por administrarnos su información.";
> ?>
> Any thiughts? Thanks in advance,
> Cesar
> --
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