> > > I have a feeling it's going to work out to be something stupidly
> > > simple... like these problems always do. :)
> > =embarrassingly so! If you're taking this all off a user's say-so,
> then it
> > sounds like an eyeball job to me...
> I never did solve it, but it came down to a weird cookie problem. The
> Session cookie was being set and accepted correctly, but regular cookies
> would never set. Other web sites could set cookies, but none from this
> web site were ever written. I don't know if it's because of SSL or what.
> It's one of those things that worked fine yesterday and now doesn't work
> and the user "didn't do anything." Oh well...

IE allows quite a bit of control over the handling of cookies. Most admins
would probably focus on the "Security" tab and the possibilities it offers.
However there is also a vicious back-hander under the "Privacy" tab (that
you can't see/get no warning about, under normal operation) and with a
simple command one can ban cookies from any nominated web site(s) - hence
everything works fine for accessing (eg) the NYTimes but blows up in your
face (sorry SeaBee humor) when you access the nominated site. Could be done
by FOBCAK, user brilliance=ignorance, or deliberate sabotage/cynical Admin
baiting! Couldn't access various online purchasing sites from a hardened
laptop, so if they didn't say that they required cookies and I called their
HelpDesk, much going round-and-round resulted... Herewith another argument
for keeping sessions/controls exclusively server-side!

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