You forgot global $adb; at the beginning of your function, or use

$sth = $GLOBALS['adb']->prepare($query);

Martin S wrote:

NOW what am I doing wrong??

function setCurrentDevGroup($devID)
$query = "SELECT dev_group FROM tracking WHERE (computer = $devID)";
$sth = $adb->prepare($query);
$res = $sth->execute();
$resulttable = $sth->fetchrow_hash();
$lookuptable = $resulttable["dev_group"];
echo $lookuptable; // gives e.g. printers
return $lookuptable; // will not return the value to ....

setCurrentDevGroup($this->ComputerID); // calling function
$query = "SELECT name FROM $lookuptable WHERE (ID = $this->ComputerID)";
//debug line
echo $lookuptable; // gives an empty string.

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