Jason Wong wrote:

> If you want it so that the value of $lookuptable (in the global scope) is
> changed when you call your function then you have to do something like:
> <?php
>   function doo($dah, $dee, $etc) {
>     global $lookuptable;
>     $lookuptable = "Hello world";
>   }
>   doo(1, 2, 3);
>   echo $lookuptable; // prints "Hello world"
> ?>
> More examples in manual > Variables > Variable scope

Yes. I tried that (or rather global $adb, $lookuptable) at one point as that 
seemed the most natural remedy. It didn't work so I abandoned it. Perhaps I 
did something else stupid. I'll re-read the docs.

Thanks for your help, and Happy New Year!

Martin S. 

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