Jason Wong wrote:

> On Tuesday 31 December 2002 20:02, Martin S wrote:
>> Marek Kilimajer wrote:
>> > You forgot global $adb; at the beginning of your function, or use
>> >
>> > $sth = $GLOBALS['adb']->prepare($query);
>> Nope sorry, I've just edited it from my post here. It is in the function.
> Hmm, whenever you post code to the list you should *always* (where
> possible) copy and paste. If the code that you post is different to that
> which you are actually running then it makes it difficult for people to
> help you.
> So if you can, could you please post your complete unadulterated code?
This is the function which should return e.g. "printers" for $lookuptable. 
But doesn't.

function setCurrentDevGroup($devID)
                global $adb;
        $query = "SELECT dev_group FROM tracking WHERE (computer = $devID)";
                $sth = $adb->prepare($query);
                        $res = $sth->execute();
                        $resulttable = $sth->fetchrow_hash();
                        $lookuptable = $resulttable["dev_group"];
                        // DEBUG
                        echo $lookuptable; // this give the correct value
                return $lookuptable;

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