> Can anyone who's familiar with both give an honest, open evaluation?  I'm
> in a rush project and need something quickly (have to purchase tomorrow),
> but I'm on the fence when it comes to these two products.
> Zend costs $100 less than Phped, so I'm leaning that way.  But if there's
> anything you know that could make my decision easier, please forward it
> on.  They seem pretty comparable, with the exception of PhpEd's db
> browser.

I personally recommend the Zend IDE, simply because:

1) Its (more) cross platform
2) A more complete autocompletion.  Uses javadoc style documentation to generate
function prototypes for which you can then use autocompletion.  It also resolves
classes and objects.
3) Richer debugger
4) Better integration with other Zend products, if you want to use the encoder, 
it plugs right into the Zend IDE.
5) I like working with it more, and that's what it all comes down too.  The Zend
IDE is what I'm more comfortable with (outside of vim and emacs, which I must admit
are my primary development tools).


> Thanks!
> John
> -- 
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