On Fri, 14 Feb 2003, joe wrote:

>i searched and i tried and i failed. most of the functions dont work in safe
>mode, some didnt do what i wanted (returned the whole drive size instead of
>one directroy) etc.
>my head hurts already and i think i am on the verge on nervous breakdown
>because i have been trying to solve this problem for days.... so could
>somebody please drop me a function here?
>thank you...

Most people who write code for other people on request are compensated in 
one form or another.  This is a listserv, I doubt anyone here will do 
your work for you for free.  This is place where people get _assistance_ 
with code they already attempted to write themselves.  If you tried and 
failed already like you say, post your broken code and people will help 
you figure out your errors.  That's pretty much how it works.

Also, what you ask may simply not be possible in safe mode, but there's no 
way to tell since you posted no code.

Greg Donald

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