On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 15:32:31 -0600 (CST), Greg Donald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On Mon, 17 Feb 2003, PR wrote:

How can I protect my php files among other files like templates
(.inc) and mysql config (config.inc) files being copied/read/imported (front
page)/used by other applications other than my

can this be done by htaccess? is so , could anyone point me into right
The best way is to not allow anyone else access to your files to begin with. I assume you mean you are in a shared hosting environment? Your system administrators can and should have permissions setup so no one can mess with your stuff by default. If that is not the case, I'd move.

What kind of system is it? If it's unix you can make use of chown and chmod to protect your stuff. If it's windows, I don't know.

How can a user protect their files with chmod? You're PHP script runs as the web server's user. Calling the php script and telling it to browse the files on the server would give you access to read other users' data. Or am I wrong?

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