Hello all,

I've got several questions and i'm hoping i can find answers or links to places which contain the answers.

1. How can i set a script to run at a certain time?

For example, say i want to send a mass e-mail at 5:00pm every night which contains the latest updates to the website. I know how to generate the mail and then send it to everyone's e-mail in a MySQL table. But how do i set it to run automaticaly?

Answers for both Linux and Windows systems would be nice...

2. How do i open a HTML file, extract all the text and then break up the text into variables..

For example, i've got a HTML files which all have the same structure

Title: Magocracy
Author: TheHeadSage
Category: Comedy, Action
Keywords: Ilja, Magic, Ilkeria
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: None, origional story.
Summary: [Sumary here]

Chapter Body

How would i get all the text and break it up into the variables $title, $author, $email
ect. So they can be insterted into the MySQL table under the approprate colums.

3. How do i open a Word Document and extract all the text?

As users would like to submit .doc files and i'd like the script to process them..

Thats all the questions so far, any tips, comments, ideas, questions even insults and flames are welcome!

Also please reply to the address: [EMAIL PROTECTED] as i dont trust hotmail.

Thanks in advance,

- Daniel "TheHeadSage" Spain
Founder of Voidsoft.
Server Administrator of The Void
Head of IRC Relations for Manga-Sketchbook.org

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