On Tue, 11 Dec 2018, Lester Caine wrote:

> On 11/12/2018 14:58, Peter Kokot wrote:
> > > On a similar topic I feel very strongly against using any PSR's for
> > > php.net.
> > This then means not using PSR-4, and not using Composer. How will PHP
> > sites solve issue of dependencies then and how to unit test this code?
> By proper management of just what is being used. I certainly have no plans to
> waste any time trying to get 20 years worth of code compatible with PSR and
> Composer so I for one don't what it rammed down by throat without a proper
> vote which would be for PHP8 at the earliest? Then I can ditch PHP8 if I want
> to. It's bad enough trying to keep libraries active where they have refactored
> all their code without discussion :(

This thread is about the php.net website, which has no influence on your 
own code base. Use whatever you want for your own code.


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