Wait... Why do we then even have use statements in PHP if we can always
require_once a class file where needed and we're done with it. Your
explanation of requiring only files from a pool of files sounds very simple
and even something to go implement it (read undo). However:

require_once 'User.php';
require_once 'Repository/User.php';

PDO wrapper is in need of something better. I didn't want it to refactor it
yet what it should be for a unit testeable piece of code.

On Wed, 12 Dec 2018, 04:56 Kalle Sommer Nielsen <ka...@php.net wrote:

> Den ons. 12. dec. 2018 kl. 00.56 skrev Peter Kokot <peterko...@gmail.com>:
> > Is there any existing example currently used somewhere? I'm not sure I
> > fully understand this but there might be something on this. With this,
> > use statements are not utilized I assume and it goes a bit away from
> > modern OOP coding practices where each file will still need to have
> > require_once statements for every required class. Yes?
> >
> > Would code look nicer or more complicated than this example?
> Well conceptionally the same could be said about a long list of "use
> X\Y\Z;" vs a require_once statement. I mean sure an autoloader is
> convinent but it also depends on the actual OOP usage (see below
> comments for example)
> > - PSR-4 compliant Autoloader class:
> > https://github.com/php/web-bugs/blob/master/src/Autoloader.php
> > - Requiring a single auoloader on a single place in the app (this is
> > dual loader because of lack of Composer in production):
> > https://github.com/php/web-bugs/blob/master/include/prepend.php
> Well they would look just about the same, because what essentially
> being done is to separate the small bits and pieces from the prepend
> script into multiple files is how I understand the argument here. I
> mean sure the prepend script is not pretty, but its a bootstraper.
> The database class improvements[1] should be straight PDO for the most
> part:
> - Passing the statement class should be done with the other set of $options
> - Instead of implementing methods like queryAll(), the statement fetch
> methods etc, the code using it should have been updated instead since
> we are not using MDB2 anymore anyway, so no need to emulate that
> naming
> - The statement execute method chaining is nice but again the code
> should be just updated to reflect PDO
> - The PDO quote method is a bit tricker, but instead a simple
> procedural function could be implemented to wrap around it in 3 lines,
> which would fit functions.php as database access is pretty much used
> on every page in www/
> - Only loaded once in the bootstraper and it is on pretty much every
> request (because of the authentication check for the navigational
> links if you are logged in)
> Similar to what Levi stated in a mail earlier, many projects just
> implement classes with static methods because it can be easily
> autoloaded. Many of these classes just implement "static" methods  for
> the sake of autoloading (or so it seems)[2], like:
> - \App\Repository\ObsoletePatchRepository - Have a constructor to
> shave off a single argument for two methods
> - \App\Repository\PackageRepository - Same as above (array keys for
> the constant array is even redudant)
> - \App\Repository\PatchRepository - Same for a database handle, it
> uses a global constant to set a constant value of a property for a
> private method thats only called once in a non loop
> - \App\Repository\PullRequestRepository - Same for a dabase handle
> (Besides I find the "Repository" suffix odd considering they are all
> in the "\App\Repository" namespace anyway, but its irrelevant)
> I didn't look too much at the other classes. I get abstracting some
> things to make it more flawless, is good. The uploading API in PHP is
> kinda interesting to the the least, but we only really allow uploads
> in one place (patches), but isn't 200+ lines of abstraction for one
> place to upload files, including special methods purely for testing, a
> bit overkill?
> [1]
> https://git.php.net/?p=web/bugs.git;a=commit;h=73062503a65bfa62d5f2f365ee99269225580bb9
> [2]
> https://git.php.net/?p=web/bugs.git;a=tree;f=src;h=7b80bef6e77759c469295827e920d92b4216f87d;hb=HEAD
> --
> regards,
> Kalle Sommer Nielsen
> ka...@php.net
> --
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