Den ons. 12. dec. 2018 kl. 05.23 skrev Peter Kokot <>:
> Wait... Why do we then even have use statements in PHP if we can always
> require_once a class file where needed and we're done with it. Your
> explanation of requiring only files from a pool of files sounds very simple
> and even something to go implement it (read undo). However:
> require_once 'User.php';
> require_once 'Repository/User.php';

I think you misunderstood, or perhaps I phrased myself poorly. It's
the same clutter in the top of a file is what I meant to make a point
about as thats how I read your response initially.

> PDO wrapper is in need of something better. I didn't want it to refactor it
> yet what it should be for a unit testeable piece of code.

But why should there be a wrapper in the first place if we use
straight PDO? The wrapper doesn't add anything besides the exception
of a better escaping method. If the wrapper is for unit testing, then
I still wonder why as its already well tested in php-src.


Kalle Sommer Nielsen

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