Title: RE: [PHP-DOC] Re: phpdoc /fr bookinfo.xml

>You're right. I use a tag like (proposed by Jeroen I think)
><!-- up-to-date against phpdoc/en/chapters/security.xml:1.23 -->
>As soon as I have enough files with this tag, I'll write a
>simple script
>which shows me the priority (which file is farest behind) of
>"my" files.
>The more users in our language follow this, the more useful it will be
>(but having a system and a common "living" it are different things :).

If we can make this a standard, this script will work for other languages,
and will give much-much better results than the status.php (as it checks
only the date). It will be even more better if we divide the files into smaller
pieces as Hartmut suggested, as we can see every functions and chapters
exact state. :))


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