On Tue, Aug 07, 2001 at 01:40:12PM +0200, Hojtsy Gábor wrote:
> >> this is in fact an "automated look into the en-cvs-tree" for 
> >more than just
> >> one file.
> >
> >For the other languages it is useless, because we have to look 
> >into more
> >revisions besides the last en revision. Most translated files 
> >are one or
> >two years old. 
> So we have a $Revision tag in the english file, showing the actual
> english version number. We can have a comment in the translated
> version, about what english version number it corresponds to. This
> way you can do a diff with these two versions, and see what needs
> to be modified/added in the translated file. I think it just helps much.
> I can't understand what is your problem with this?

I can´t see your point. The information what have been modified/added is
in cvs.php.net. A revision tag is IMHO useless.


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