eschmid         Mon Jan  7 02:58:30 2002 EDT

  Modified files:              
    /phpdoc     funclist.txt funcsummary.txt 
  Updated funclist.txt and funcsummary.txt.
Index: phpdoc/funclist.txt
diff -u phpdoc/funclist.txt:1.15 phpdoc/funclist.txt:1.16
--- phpdoc/funclist.txt:1.15    Sat Jan  5 02:58:33 2002
+++ phpdoc/funclist.txt Mon Jan  7 02:58:29 2002
@@ -959,6 +959,7 @@
Index: phpdoc/funcsummary.txt
diff -u phpdoc/funcsummary.txt:1.14 phpdoc/funcsummary.txt:1.15
--- phpdoc/funcsummary.txt:1.14 Sat Jan  5 02:58:33 2002
+++ phpdoc/funcsummary.txt      Mon Jan  7 02:58:29 2002
@@ -569,13 +569,13 @@
      Returns root node of document  
 object domxml_doc_implementation(void) 
      Returns DomeDOMImplementation  
-object domxml_doc_imported_node(int node, bool recursive) 
+object domxml_doc_imported_node(object node, bool recursive) 
      Creates new element node  
 array domxml_doctype_name(void) 
      Returns name of DocumentType  
-object domxml_dtd([int doc_handle]) 
+object domxml_dtd(void) 
      Returns DTD of document  
-string domxml_dumpmem([int doc_handle]) 
+string domxml_dumpmem([object doc_handle]) 
      Dumps document into string  
 string domxml_elem_get_attribute(string attrname) 
      Returns value of given attribute  
@@ -599,9 +599,9 @@
      Creates new xmldoc  
 object domxml_node(string name) 
      Creates node  
-object domxml_node_add_child(int domnode) 
+object domxml_node_add_child(object domnode) 
      Adds existing node to parent node  
-object domxml_node_append_child(int domnode) 
+object domxml_node_append_child(object domnode) 
      Adds node to list of children  
 array domxml_node_attributes(void) 
      Returns list of attributes of node  
@@ -613,7 +613,7 @@
      Returns true if node has attributes  
 object domxml_node_has_child_nodes(void) 
      Returns true if node has children  
-object domxml_node_insert_before(int newnode, int refnode) 
+object domxml_node_insert_before(object newnode, object refnode) 
      Adds node in list of nodes before given node  
 object domxml_node_last_child(void) 
      Returns last child from list of children  
@@ -639,8 +639,8 @@
      Add string tocontent of a node  
 int domxml_node_type(void) 
      Returns the type of the node  
-object domxml_node_unlink_node(void) 
-     Deletes node  
+void domxml_node_unlink_node([object node]) 
+     Deletes the node  
 object domxml_node_value(void) 
      Returns name of value  
 string domxml_notation_public_id(void) 
@@ -1867,54 +1867,56 @@
 # php4/ext/mbstring/mbstring.c
 string mb_convert_encoding(string str, string to-encoding [, mixed from-encoding]) 
      Returns converted string in desired encoding  
-string mb_convert_kana(string str [,string option] [, string encoding]) 
+string mb_convert_kana(string str [, string option] [, string encoding]) 
      Conversion between full-width character and half-width character (Japanese)  
 string mb_convert_variables(string to-encoding, mixed from-encoding [, mixed ...]) 
      Converts the string resource in variables to desired encoding  
 string mb_decode_mimeheader(string string) 
-      Decodes the MIME "encoded-word" in the string  
+     Decodes the MIME "encoded-word" in the string  
 string mb_decode_numericentity(string string, array convmap [, string encoding]) 
      Converts HTML numeric entities to character code  
 string mb_detect_encoding(string str [, mixed encoding_list]) 
-      Encoding of the given string is returned (as a string)  
+     Encodings of the given string is returned (as a string)  
 array mb_detect_order([mixed encoding-list]) 
-     Sets the current detect_order or Return the current detect_order as a array.  
+     Sets the current detect_order or Return the current detect_order as a array  
 string mb_encode_mimeheader(string str [, string charset [, string transfer-encoding 
[, string linefeed]]]) 
-      Convert the string to MIME "encoded-word" in the format of 
+     Converts the string to MIME "encoded-word" in the format of 
 string mb_encode_numericentity(string string, array convmap [, string encoding]) 
-     Convert specified characters to HTML numeric entities  
+     Converts specified characters to HTML numeric entities  
+string mb_get_info([string type]) 
+     Returns the current settings of mbstring  
 string mb_http_input([string type]) 
-     Returns the input encoding.  
+     Returns the input encoding  
 string mb_http_output([string encoding]) 
-     Sets the current output_encoding or Returns the current output_encoding as a 
+     Sets the current output_encoding or returns the current output_encoding as a 
 string mb_internal_encoding([string encoding]) 
-     Sets the current internal encoding or Returns the current internal encoding as a 
+     Sets the current internal encoding or Returns the current internal encoding as a 
 string mb_language([string language]) 
-     Sets the current language or Returns the current language as a string.  
+     Sets the current language or Returns the current language as a string  
 string mb_output_handler(string contents, int status) 
      Returns string in output buffer converted to the http_output encoding  
-bool mb_parse_str(string encoded_string, [array result]) 
+bool mb_parse_str(string encoded_string [, array result]) 
      Parses GET/POST/COOKIE data and sets global variables  
 string mb_preferred_mime_name(string encoding) 
-     Return the preferred MIME name (charset) as a string.  
+     Return the preferred MIME name (charset) as a string  
 int mb_send_mail(string to, string subject, string message [, string 
additional_headers [, string additional_parameters]]) 
      Sends an email message with MIME scheme  
 string mb_strcut(string str, int start [, int length [, string encoding]]) 
-     Return part of a string  
+     Returns part of a string  
 string mb_strimwidth(string str, int start, int width [, string trimmarker [, string 
      Trim the string in terminal width  
-int mb_strlen(string str, [string encoding]) 
+int mb_strlen(string str [, string encoding]) 
      Get character numbers of a string  
 int mb_strpos(string haystack, string needle [, int offset [, string encoding]]) 
      Find position of first occurrence of a string within another  
 int mb_strrpos(string haystack, string needle [, string encoding]) 
      Find the last occurrence of a character in a string within another  
-int mb_strwidth(string str, [string encoding]) 
-     Get terminal width of a string  
+int mb_strwidth(string str [, string encoding]) 
+     Gets terminal width of a string  
 mixed mb_substitute_character([mixed substchar]) 
-     Sets the current substitute_character or Returns the current 
+     Sets the current substitute_character or returns the current 
 string mb_substr(string str, int start [, int length [, string encoding]]) 
-     Return part of a string  
+     Returns part of a string  
 # php4/ext/mcal/php_mcal.c
 string mcal_append_event(int stream_id) 
      Append a new event to the calendar stream  

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