From: "Hartmut Holzgraefe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> > eschmid Sat Jan 12 15:09:32 2002 EDT
> >
> >   Modified files:
> >     /phpdoc funclist.txt funcsummary.txt
> >   Log:
> >   Update of funclist.txt and funcsummary.txt
> do we realy need these auto generated files in CVS,

These files are not auto generated and yes we need them.

> or are they just left over from the time when php
> source and documentation were in the same repository?

No, the scripts was written by Rasmus between PHP 3.0.6 and 3.0.7.

> don't think they make much sense in CVS any longer
> as everyone checking out the manual now should be
> able to generate them himself

Please donīt touch them. They are needed for editors (programs and
humans) and translators. I donīt see that everyone checkout the
manual and PHP 3 or 4.

> same for quickref.txt

The same goes here, your auto-generate rules doesnīt help because
the automatic build system is broken.


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